Changes in Roombacomm 0.96 -------------------------- - The primary goal of this release was to enable Roomba 500 models, which use a different baud rate. This has been done while retaining backward compatibility - programs which use the roombacomm class for 400 and older models shouldn't have to change for the older models, and may not have to change for the 500 models. Commands should run unchanged on older models. - Secondary goals were to: - get roombacomm to remember it's serial port settings, so you don't have to change them each time you run a GUI - Make life easier for Windows users - Fix bugs along the way. The following changes were made: - Updated RXTX library to latest that is included in Processsing-1.01 - Created, README.eclipse.txt, CHANGELOG.txt, TODO.txt - Created runit.bat - Windows command prompt equivalent of for Linux, makeit.bat (makes all on windows), makedoc.bat (makes all javadoc on windows) - Added bluecove-2.1.0.jar to rxtxlib for windows bluetooth support - Made SimpleTest go backwards after it went forward using send, so it ends up where it started (and doesn't creep forward) - Changed playNote to use song 3, because 500-series roombas only support 4 or 5 songs (vs. 16 for 400-series & ealier). - Changed RoombaCommTest beep-hi and beep-lo duration from 10 to 32, and notes more toward the middle of the range to make the beeps audible. (They were too short & high/low pitched to be readily discernable.) - Added actions in RoombaCommPanel to make left & right forward turn buttons work - Added a combo box in RoombaCommPanel to let the user select the protocol (SCI - Serial Command Interface, for Roomba 400 & older, and OI (Open Interface,for Roomba 500 series.) - Put logic into RoombaCommSerial to store the protocol & port & DSRwait settings in .roomba_config file, & retrieve them when when the object is created. This lets an app "remember" the config settings that were last used. - Updated the command-line apps to allow the protocol to be unspecified (uses default from config file), or to specify the protocol - Made the -debug flag work in RoombaCommTest - eliminated the hard-coded enable/disable statements in RoombaCommPanel - Made RoombaCommTest check for whether Roomba is connected (runs sensors command) immediately after connecting, & print connected message. - Fixed disconnect button to do disconnect action - Fixed typo where RoombaComm.start() said it was sending control - Added Roomba 5xx new commands, and a sensors method that lets the caller pass in the length of the expected reply. Make RoombaCommSerial.serialEvent() indicate completion when the requested reply length has been received. - Added queryList method to support 5xx Query List command - Beefed up the javadoc for the executables - Made the Spy* programs terminate cleanly - Fixed bug in RoombaComm.goBackward() which made it go forward - Made the Test application stop when complete - Created build-jar.bat and build-processing-library.bat. - Installed 7z.exe to support zip archive creation of build-processing-library - Fixed roombaview - framerate() should be frameRate() - Made the control() command turn LEDs on, so we know roomba is powered on and we don't run the batteries flat thinking it's off. Bug: The first control command after a poweron, the LEDs flash, but don't stay on. - Added programs Stop (stops the robot), PowerOff (powers off the robot), and Bsquare (runs a Borenstein square test - see the UMB benchmark paper by Borenstein et. al.)