Play a (MIDI) note, that is, make the Roomba a musical instrument
notenums 32-127:
notenum == corresponding note played thru beeper
velocity == duration in number of 1/64s of a second (e.g.
Query Roomba for sensor status and sync its state with this object's
Subclasses should query Roomba and fill up 'sensor_bytes' with the full
sensor data set
If a RooombaComm object is constructed with 'autoUpdate' true,
calling this method is not required because a separate thread is created
to do sensor updating.
Some "virtual" serial ports like Bluetooth serial on Windows
return weird errors deep inside RXTX if an opened port is used
before the virtual COM port is ready.
Wake's Roomba up, if possible, thus optional
To wake up the Roomba requires twiddling its DD line, often
hooked up to the RS-232 DTR line, which may not be available in some