Package roombacomm

Class Summary
BumpTurn Read sensors to detect bumps and turn away from them while driving
Drive A program for driving Roomba.
DriveRealTime Drive the Roomba with the arrow keys in real-time
ListSerialPorts A simple test of RoombaComm and RoombaCommSerial functionality.
LogoA Some example Logo-like things to do
Note Simple wrapper for musical notes
RoombaComm The abstract base for all Roomba communications.
RoombaCommPanel A Panel containing controls for testing RoombaComm.
RoombaCommSerial The serial-port based implementation of RoombaComm.
RoombaCommTest A simple wrapper for RoombaCommPanel.
RoombaRecorder A simple wrapper for multiple MacroRecorderPanels
RoombaRecorderPanel A Panel containing controls for testing RoombaComm.
SimpleTest A simple test of RoombaComm and RoombaCommSerial functionality.
Spiral Make the Roomab drive in a spiral.
Spiro1 A Spirograph-like example
Spiro2 A Spirograph-like example
Spy Spy on the Roomba as it goes about its normal business
SpyAuto Spy on the Roomba as it goes about its normal business
SpySimple Spy on the Roomba as it goes about its normal business
Test A fairly thorough test of the RoombaComm API.
Tribble Make Tribble noises
Waggle Drive the Roomba in a Waggle, like when it's searching for something